Can You Die From Marijuana: Exploring the Truth

can you die from marijuana

Are you a cannabis user for a long time? Do you use weed often? Maybe, you are still a new marijuana user. Have you wondered so much about marijuana? Can you die from marijuana? You might be scared of taking marijuana often because of the thought of dying because of it. This article would help in clearing your mind about it. 

You will be able to explore the truth about using marijuana. You will know the possibilities of things that will happen when you use weed. You will have some ideas about the health risks that marijuana might have. Now, let us start exploring for the truth. 

Can You Die From Marijuana? Details and Information

As we all know marijuana has both long term effects as well as short term effects. The research about the possibility of marijuana to cause death is very limited. However, let us know some of the researches and studies conducted about it. 

If we talk about smoking cannabis, there are many factors in which it might cause a very serious accident. For example, smoking marijuana before you drive a car or maybe while doing some dangerous activities might be a possible risk of a serious accident. However, some of the experts did not consider marijuana as a high risk of causing deaths. 

The statement of some experts doesn’t mean that there is no risk in using marijuana. You have to know that there are still some long term effects that people can get, especially if they use weed for a long time or maybe they are still very young when they started using weed. 

Is there someone who died from marijuana?

There is a study of the FSI or also known as the Forensic Science International about 2 cases of sudden deaths in 2014. It says that the doctors were able to link the deaths to a health condition and those conditions possibly got worse because of marijuana usage. It was also indicated that there were no deaths that were related to the use of marijuana, before this incident. This is according to what they were aware of. 

There is also one incident reported about a teenager who died because of dehydration for the reason of CHS. CHS is also called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. This condition can take place for those who use weed regularly, and it can be the cause of abdominal pain, vomiting, as well as nausea. 

Though there were incidents reported about the conditions that get worse because of the regular use of marijuana, when you compare it with those reported deaths due to some other drugs, marijuana is a lot safer than those. 

Are there health risks in smoking weed?

A marijuana user is not likely to die due to a cannabis overdose. However, this statement does not mean that you are free to use marijuana in all ways you want to use it because there are no risks. Well, there are still risks and you have to be well aware of that. 

Along with the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, the CHS case is increasing and it is now becoming a common condition, especially for those who regularly smoke weed and those who started smoking weed at an early age.

If a person suffers from CHS, that person will experience some symptoms of it such as dehydration, excessive vomiting, abdominal pain, as well as nausea. You might be wondering now as to why it can cause nausea when marijuana can be used as a treatment. Well, the effect can be used as an anti-nausea, however, if someone uses weed repeatedly, it might dull the effects. 

If a person has already been suffering from a psychiatric condition and uses marijuana excessively, then there is a big possibility that the person will suffer from acute psychosis. This condition will alter your senses and it would be the reason for having hallucinations, disturbances of mood, as well as delusional experiences. 

There is also some evidence that shows how marijuana can be the reason for having issues with cardiovascular. Some studies show how possible the smoking of cannabis can trigger a heart attack. The heavy use of weed might also be a reason for having acute pericarditis. 

Though some incidents happen that link and some may blame the use of marijuana for it, it does not entirely mean that marijuana is the only reason for this incident. It can be possible that the person has already health conditions and it just gets worsen due to the excessive use of weed. 

Can you die from marijuana? Maybe, you are thinking of this question right now and the thing that you can do to avoid any complications that might be caused by using marijuana is that be a responsible marijuana user. It is also important that you have a prescription from a health professional. It would also be better than before you think of using weed, you have to consult someone professional about it. 

Maybe, many things would cause risks when using marijuana and maybe many factors might affect someone’s health when it comes to smoking marijuana, especially if it is regularly. However, there are also many ways you can do to avoid those possible effects. 


If you are still worried about the question, “Can you die from marijuana?” Well, you have to be a responsible user to prevent serious incidents and you have to know some of the safe ways to consume weed. 

It would be better to use weed if it is necessary and it is recommended by your doctor. You must have a prescription for using marijuana. You must also know the things you should do and should not do. It is also important that you consider the timing of taking weed. You have to know when and where to use weed. 

Though there is no solid evidence that shows how marijuana can affect your health and how it can cause death, it would be better to prevent it and be ready than being sorry.

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.