Can You Make Edibles with Male Plants?

can you make edibles with male plants

When it comes to marijuana cultivation, growers value female plants more. It doesn’t mean that there’s no use for male plants. It’s just a matter of preserving THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that makes you high. In the process of natural breeding, male plants have a role to play too.

But they are being separated from the female for the sake of feminization. However, you may think of some ways not to waste some things. Can you make edibles with male plants? Did this question ever cross your mind?

The Myth: Male Cannabis Plants Can’t Get You High

Male plants are being segregated from female plants but it doesn’t mean that they lack potency. They can also produce buds but the flowers from females are bursting with high THC content. To be specific, female plants have 20% while their male counterparts only have 3%. You see the difference now so at least, it can make you high.

The sugar leaves from female plants are not put to waste as growers would use them to make hash, concentrates, Cannabutter, and more. The good news is that you can also use the ones that you get from male plants. So you don’t need to throw even a little amount of TLC.

Based on the content per percentage, you can whip edibles six or seven times to reach the potency of female plants. Edibles can be so potent and the effects come half an hour or an hour or so. You can use its low THC to your advantage. If you are a beginner, you would rather add the male plants to your edibles to avoid getting overwhelmed.

It’s better to add them to your food than smoking it. If you prefer getting high as you need to smoke more as there’s a low level of THC. So better have it in your food. It can make you crave for munchies when you eat some of the edibles with parts of male plants even though the potency is low. So make sure you prepare other kinds of food aside from the one infused with male Cannabis.

Can you Make Edibles with Male Plants?: Here’s How You Can Do it

Edible Seeds

Cannabis seeds taste like almonds and sunflower seeds so you can’t say no to them. Aside from its good taste, it’s also beneficial for a person’s health and well-being as it contains Vitamin E and fiber. It can also be a source of energy. You will be impressed with its equal proportion of vitamins and protein. 

Several athletes munch on them to get the supply of energy that they need. It’s all because of Vitamin E found in it. The fiber content is high and it is included in the 50 basic elements of traditional Chinese medicine. 

It is deemed to combat constipation well. So when you add it to baked pieces of bread or other dishes, you will love its taste and you will be able to get some health benefits. However, don’t expect to get high as Cannabis seeds don’t contain cannabinoids. 

Cannabis Tea from Roots or Leaves

Hold it right there. Don’t throw Cannabis roots as you’ve pulled the male plants to throw into the trash. You can make some home-brewed Cannabis tea from them. It may take a lot of jobs but it’s all worth it once you’ve known what you can get from it. 

The amount of THC and CBD can be too little in the Cannabis roots. They’re composed of sugar and lipids which in turn came out to have useful medicinal properties. This has been known in Chinese medicine since 5,000 years ago. 

There are two beneficial alkaloids found in the roots namely Piperidine and Pyrrolidine. The first one is utilized in medicine in the field of psychiatry while the latter is added to stimulant medication. There’s a small amount of choline and atropine too. These things play an important role in maintaining the healthy state of the cell membrane, relaxing eye muscles, and improving bronchodilatory properties.

You can find some preparations made of Cannabis roots in dispensaries to provide relief for various disorders. It can be done at home. Dry the roots fruits so you can grind them to turn into the powder form. When making a tea out of it, place some powdered roots in a slow cooker for 12 hours. 

Aromatic herbs like cinnamon and anise can be added. It will be based on your preference. Then strain the tea and you can enjoy it while absorbing the relief it provides.

You can also dry some Cannabis leaves and pour hot water. Then let it sit for a few minutes and drink.

Cannabis Juice

Aside from tea, you can make Cannabis juice too. This drink has been known to many since 2010. Medical users usually make this to alleviate the symptoms of their ailments. Using some of the leaves and the stems, you can make a thick drink out of those parts. Avoid using thick stalks and very fibrous leaves as they can give a bitter taste. 

Making Cannabis juice allows you to get the elements found in this plant in its purest form. You won’t get high and you can avoid any side effects. 

Making Firecrackers and Brownies

Dry and grind some leaves and stems then chop them. You can collect these parts from plants growing for 80 to 110 days. If you have them in small bits, you can add it to your firecrackers and brownies. If you want to have high potency, add more.


You can make Cannabutter just like the way you do with the ingredients obtained from female plants. Decarboxylation is an essential step. Then you can add it to different dishes.

Final Words

If you love cooking and integrating Cannabis into your food, you will answer a big ‘YES’ to the question, ‘Can you make edibles with male plants?’. You’ll get the benefits and the change to not be overwhelmed by the strong impact of Cannabis edible. Male plants and your effort as a grower are not wasted.

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.