Monster Cropping Cannabis Plants: A Simple Guide

monster cropping

Are you a cannabis grower or an aspiring cannabis grower? Do you feel like you should know some methods to use in your marijuana plants? Are you aiming for getting harvests that are continuous without the mother’s marijuana plant? Well, you are in the right article. 

In this article, you will learn more about monster cropping of the cannabis plants. You will be able to know more about this method and how to do that. Now, if you are interested to have more harvests without the use of the mother plant, then let us get started knowing more about the process. 

Monster Cropping: Brief Definition

This is a technique and training for the marijuana plant to grow more. The process of it is involving getting clones of flowering as well as capitalizing on the dense by reverting the flowers to their vegetative stage. By this, it will create a growth that is bushy and you will not be able to need the mother weed plant. This is to be ensured of getting continuous harvests. 

If ever your goal is to increase the yields of your marijuana plant, then you can combine this method with the SCROG training. You can monster crop your plants indoors, inside of the greenhouse, or those plants outdoors. 

If you will be able to do the process right, you will get good results. However, if you do not do it right, then it will stress your plants. By controlling the marijuana plant’s stress, you will be able to promote the effects that you desired, especially with its growth. 

In monster cropping, you should also consider the setup of your plants, the strains you have as well as your knowledge and experiences about it. You have to remember that there are good things about this training and there are also disadvantages to it. 

Processes undergone to monster crop your plant

Let us know what the steps in processing your plants are and the things you need to prepare. Remember, you can monster crop your plants both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, we will learn the processes and steps of weed indoors as well as outdoors. 

Monster Crop Weed Indoors: Step by Step

Before, we dive into the steps; you need to prepare some things first. Here are the lists of the things you will need in the process:

  • Scissors, Scalpel, or Knife (Make sure to use the sharp ones)
  • For you to disinfect the materials to be used, you should have alcohol wipes
  • In soaking your cuttings, you will need a container or a glass of water
  • Gel (Rooting) This is only optional
  • Perlite or Rockwool cubes. This is optional

Here are the steps of the training:

First step: Choosing the best marijuana flowering plant

Choose the best marijuana flowering plant. You must choose the one that grows tall and well. You can do the choosing process in the second week of the flowering stage. You can choose many cuttings from each of the plants if you have many kinds of marijuana strains. Remember to take those plants that are fully healthy. 

Second Step: Taking the cuttings

Get your sharp scissors or you can use a sharp knife. Make sure to wipe whatever tool you are going to use in this process. You can use the alcohol wipe in disinfecting. Choose the lower branch of your flowering plant. The lower branch will be able to root fast compared to those on the top part of the plant. 

Cut the stem in a diagonal cross and do it swiftly. Through the diagonal cutting, there will be more area that is surfacing that would take water as well as nutrients and for the growth of a plant’s root. 

Third Step: Rooting the cuttings

You need to put the plant’s stem inside of the container or glass with water in it. You have to do this step right after you take each of the cuttings. The water inside of the container or glass will help prevent the entering of the air as well as in sealing the cut which will result in killing the clone. 

Aside from the water, you can also use the rooting gel. Make sure to leave your cutting inside of the glass or container till the roots will appear. You can also put it inside of a medium that can be used for rooting like for example the perlite or Rockwool cubes. 

Fourth Step: Veg back your clones

You have to control and adjust the lighting cycle of your clones so that they will be back in their vegetative phase. Eighteen to twenty-four hours of lighting will surely work. You have to know that if the clones will start its vegetative phase again, the growth will be odd, but it will only last for three-four weeks. 

Monster Crop Weed Outdoors: Step by Step

First step: Planting the seeds

If your seeds are outside and it is winter, those long nights put the plants in the flowering phase. If your goal is to add the size of your clones, you can extend the period of vegging by supplementing a small light. You can turn the light on for about an hour or even every night. 

Second Step: Harvesting the weed

If your plants are ready to be harvested, then the next step will be harvesting it. The buds on the first batch can be harvested in the early part of spring before the savings of daylight. 

Third Step: The second season of growing

If the clones are now gaining mass, they will be able to go to its flowering stage. It only means that you will be able to harvest your plants in the fall and it should be at its usual time. 

You have to remember that this method or training can only work in zones that were no higher risk of having frost the whole year. The reason for it is because frost will affect the vegetative stage of your crops. 


In doing training for your crops, you must know the pros and cons before you proceed with the steps. If you think it will be helpful for your plants, then you must be able to master and know the steps in doing it right. 

You have to remember that your plants will be at risk if you do it wrong. It might damage your plants. Therefore, you need to follow the steps properly and you must be knowledgeable enough about the training and the method you are going to use, especially with the monster cropping training. 

Categorized as Growing

By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.