Passed Home Drug Test: Will I Pass Lab Test?

Passed Home Drug Test: Will I Pass Lab Test?

If you just type passed home drug test will I pass lab test in Google search right now, you will get tons of different opinions and guidance on that one.

But since this is a crucial question, which can literally affect your future and career, you only want straightforward answers.

Well, honestly, it is pretty deceiving if I simply assure you a passed home drug test is a solid proof of being able to pass a lab test.

Keep in mind that some lab tests detect as little as 20 Ng of THC per ml of urine, while most are set to detect 50 Ng per ml.

That’s why you have to do everything possible to lower the THC saturation to a minimum.

Fortunately, there are a few essential tips which can help you gain a better and clear understanding on your chances of passing those nasty drug lab tests.

Before we even get to that point, you need to understand for how long does marijuana stay in your body and what you can do to speed up the THC flush-out process.

No time to waste, so let’s get straight to the practical tips we have for you.

#1 – How to Estimate the Concentration of Marijuana Compounds in your Body?

It is literally impossible to list a fit-them-all easy-peasy calculation system to help you find out the saturation of cannabis compounds in your body.

For example, two people smoking the exact same quantity of weed per day can show two completely different results when undergoing a drug test.

But why is that so?

It’s simply because the time for which the active cannabinoids can stay in your blood depends way too much on your lifestyle and body stats.

With this in mind, the better your metabolic rates, the faster your body will get rid of all elements, left behind by whatever you consume, foods and beverages included.

Typically, people who are slim show a better drug test pass rate than those who are obese. THC tends to accumulate in body fats.

However, there is yet another side to that story, as well.

Even though slim, you can still have way too much underbody fats (that’s also one of the reasons why skinny girls can also have cellulite, for example!).

#2 – Best Ways to Reduce the Marijuana Leftovers in your System

Fortunately, regardless of your lifestyle, food preferences and body fats, there is still much you can do to help your body get rid of the marijuana leftovers in your system.

Here is a useful and easy-to-follow guide to help you out clean the traces of cannabis both faster and better.

1 – Drink Plenty of Water

You’ve probably heard this one before but really, drinking more water is a must in order to help the body cleanse (and piss out) the active cannabinoids left behind.

How much water to drink?

As much as possible, buddies. No worries if you fail a test for the reason of your urine being diluted.

Actually, it is not even accurate to say you will fail a test because of diluted urine (meaning your urine contained too much water than needed to complete the test with accuracy).

In such cases, you simply get your lab drug tests re-scheduled, so that gives you some extra bonus time to flush out THC from your system.

2 – Sweat it Off!

There is probably no better way to speed up cleaning of THC from your body than breaking some sweat.

Both sauna and any kind of exercises which makes you sweat is more than welcome.

When it comes to exercising, though, make sure you do NOT participate in any sweating activities or workouts about 24-32 hours prior to the lab test.

That’s because research shows THC tends to get released back into the bloodstream while you are burning fat.

So burn what you can burn with some regular exercising and stop just a day or so before the test.

3 – Stimulate your Metabolism

Everything you take in your body will inevitably go out of your body; that process takes time, though, so do your best to speed it up with when you are going to face a lab drug test.

Eating plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can be pretty helpful and blood flow enhancing foods and spices, such as chilli peppers, ginger and cinnamon can wake up your lazy metabolism to excrete accumulated THC.

There’s no need to mention you ought to restrict from marijuana use before the tests, right?

If you have to, a whole month of being on a THC-free regimen is more than welcome.

In simple words, the longer you can restrict, the better.

The Final Verdict: Passed Home drug test – Will I pass Lab test

Most home drug test nowadays work with about 99% accuracy. Of course, picking the right ones is also crucial.

Go for high-quality home drug tests only.

One final trick to make sure you stand the best chances of passing the lab tests is to never use your first or second pee on these.

Pretty simple, don’t you think?

Above all, don’t freak out. Negative emotions and stress will only slow down your metabolism and this is the last thing you want right now.

In the case you are utterly concerned about the test results, you may just as well visit a professional lab instead of opting for a home test.

But provided you restrain from marijuana use, sweat off, hydrate and mind your food regimen, you can just as well skip on the big dilemma of passed drug home test will I pass lab testand let your mind be calm and clear instead of totally out of order (cause this is NOT helpful, bud-buddies).

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