What Are The Common Marijuana Plant Problems?

marijuana plant problems
Recreational drug and medical concept.

Marijuana plants are not resistant to illnesses or pests. Sadly, novice cultivators sometimes grapple to accurately distinguish problems such as nutrient deficiencies, pests, molds, and problems on watering, which place them at a great drawback. However, just like any other cultivated plant, marijuana can be subject to these marijuana plant problems, which can be harmful to the quality and measurement of yield. Knowing how to let know nutrient deficiencies, for instance, is the factor to alleviate marijuana plant problems ahead of time and lower its effects on the physical state of the plant.

With that, utilize this write-up to distinguish the signs of marijuana plant problems so you can attain great and healthy yield all the time.

Marijuana Plant Problems: Nutrient Related

Both giving too much and not giving enough nutrients to provide stress to the plants, which can be the grounds to develop signs such as discolored or deformed leaves and small growth. Some of the common marijuana plant problems that are connected to nutrients are:

Nutrient Deficiencies

Novice cultivators sometimes believe that marijuana only requires three nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Though these macronutrients are really important to healthy development, marijuana plants require a composite combination of macro, subordinate, and macronutrients to boost both vegetative development and blooming. If the marijuana plants do not achieve the accurate number of nutrients, they grow deficiencies, which is the ground of the death of both old and new foliage as well as leaf stains.

Nutrient deficiencies are ideally brought about by not giving sufficient nutrients, pH disparity, and lockout on nutrients. If left and not given care, a nutrient deficiency can seriously inhibit the development of the herb and lessen both its quality and number of yields. Solely increasing the number of nutrients you give to the plants can treat some of these problems. But if the reason is pH disparity and lockout on nutrients, marijuana plants need different techniques of treatment.

Nutrient Burn

The reverse of a nutrient deficiency is nutrient burn. This marijuana plant problem exists if the plants receive more nutrients compared to what they require. Overfeeding is the clear ground of this problem, however, pH disparity or lockout of nutrients are as well the common grounds. Feature symptoms of nutrient burn are parched, brown, and often curled foliage tips and extremities. 

It is important to follow a stern feeding schedule and monitor the pH and EC levels before and following every feed to have an assurance that the plants are not only receiving their nutrients but can as well assimilate them accordingly. It is useful to take note that nutrient burn is ideally just connected with the utilization of chemical fertilizers. Pesticide-free nutrients that have a measured-released mixture ideally not the ground of nutrient burn because they need time to be seized up and assimilated by the plants.

Nutrient Lockout

Lockout of nutrients happens because of the chemical reaction in the marijuana plants, its substance, and the fertilizer being used. This reaction basically hinders the plant’s capability to soak up nutrients from its substance that in the end results in nutrient deficiency. 

This kind of marijuana plant problem ideally happens if you utilize strenuous chemical fertilizers for a prolonged time. Vestige numbers of nutrients and salts in the fertilizers can increase in the substance, altering its pH, and obstructing the plant’s capability to soak up nutrients in the coming days. Ideally, the lockout of nutrients is remedied by washing out the substrate with pH mixed water and beginning the feeding system again. A lot of cultivators also prefer to begin feeding gently less to keep away from encountering a similar problem.

Marijuana Plant Problems: PH Related

Compared to other herbs, marijuana can only soak up nutrients inside a little pH window. When the loam, water, and fertilizer are not in that window, the herb cannot be given food accurately. You will not just waste costly nutrients, but you may as well have to face with nutrient deficiencies and lockout in the future.

Marijuana plants love to grow in somewhat acidic loam that has a most favorable pH level of 6 to 7. Nonetheless, some variations of 6 and 7 pH levels make the best of marijuana’s capability to accept a diversity of macronutrients, secondary, and micronutrients. In hydroponics, marijuana cultivates great at a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5. Again, some variations can assist the plants to accurately accept a diversity of nutrients.

Marijuana Plant Problems: Root Related

Roots not just secure the plant in its place but they as well accept oxygen, water, and nutrients from the substance and send them to the stalk, foliage, and flowers. A herb’s roots as well keep and send energy produced throughout photosynthesis to boost development and handle damage if required. Some of the common marijuana plant problems related to roots are:

Root-Leap Herbs

Marijuana plants have this problem if they totally outgrow their holders. The radicles will have sprouted on every side of their pot, establishing a compact knot. It not just stress the herb but is as well influences its capability to accept water and nutrients that can result in deficiencies, pH disparities, and lockout on nutrients. When the marijuana plants are root-leap, it is necessary to transfer them to larger vessels. If doing so, do your very best to disentangle the radicles. In serious situations, you may have to trim the roots utilizing sharp scissors or a knife. After transferring, provide the plants not less than 7 days to recuperate from the stress of transferring.

Root Decay

As the indication implies, rotting and ill roots distinguish root decay. In loam or coco systems, it is normally happened because of the problems in the drainage or overwatering. The two are the grounds of still water to establish around the radicles, making a rearing base for bacteria. In hydro systems, root decay is ideally due to heat, light holes, insufficient levels of water and oxygen, or decaying issues in the reservoir. All of them are the grounds that invite root decaying bacteria and fungi such as Fusarium to the reservoir.

To remedy root decay, you will require managing advantageous bacteria to the roots of the plants to combat any pathogens. When cultivating in loam, you will wish to transfer the plants to fresh loam and new vessels, assuring the loam is well introduced to air, and the containers have sufficient drainage openings. When you are cultivating hydroponically, you will wish to cleanse and sanitize the whole setup, make another reservoir with lots of oxygen, and solve any problems related to light and leaks.

Marijuana Plant Problems: The Environment

If you are cultivating indoors or outdoors, environmental elements such as temperature, humidity, light, and airflow can pressure the plants if not supervised accurately. 


Marijuana plants opt for dissimilar temperatures throughout various phases of their rotation. If the temperatures are extremely hot, marijuana plants will have upward-spiraling foliage, which appears and feels parch. In the long run, heat-stressed herbs might as well evolve brown marks or white patches on the extremities of their fan foliage.

Similar to the utmost heat, cold temperatures can also ruin the plants. When marijuana plants are vulnerable to temperatures under 15 degrees Celsius, their development will decline because of lessened photosynthesis and they have also big chances of handling pathogens such as mold. Though they do not display symptoms of stress, marijuana plants developing in low temperatures ideally do not yield and those cultivated in optimum temperatures.

Light Burn

Light burn is another usual marijuana plant problem for novice cultivators handling with the limitation of space. It happens when marijuana plants come closer to their lights, following in whitened buds and yellow leaves. Fortunately, handling this problem is normally easy. To treat your plants, only relocate the lights away from the plants. If this is not the choice, LST is suggested to uplift the plants to develop low and broad instead of thin and tall.


Marijuana plants like to grow in a gentle wind. Unluckily, cruel winds may be the ground of some irreversible damage to the herbs, cutting up through healthy leave, shattering sprouting boughs, or eradicating all of them together.

The Last Say

Throughout the marijuana plants’ adventure that starts from seeds to fully-grown plants, their problems can happen. If you can distinguish common marijuana plant problems and solve them at once, you will love the cultivation encounter much more. However, do not forget that the marijuana plant is strong. With the right care, it can recuperate from the most issues it faces to assist you to harvest wonderful yields.

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By LGM Admin

LearnGrowingMarijuana.com is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.