How Does Marijuana Work: What To Expect

how does marijuana work

Don’t you know enough about weed? Do you want to know more about it? You might be one of the people who are very curious about marijuana. There are great things that you should learn about weed. Well, if you are a curious person, then you came to the right article. 

You will be able to know lots of essential things about marijuana in this article. The question, “How does marijuana work?” will be answered with the help of this article. If you have that question in your mind, then you are reading a suitable and perfect article for you. 

How Does Marijuana Work: Brief Description and Details

Marijuana can also be called weed. It refers to those dried leaves that were mixed with flowers that come from the marijuana hemp plants. Some people commonly use weed through smoking, some brew it into tea, and it can also be added to food. There are different ways of consuming weed. Marijuana can also be very effective in treating and inflammation as well as chronic pain. 

Weed has a THC compound or also called tetrahydrocannabinol. It refers to the compound which is a chemical which is the reason for the euphoric effect that the users may experience in using weed. Our brain has receptors that control the function of the body. If marijuana is being inhaled and if it enters our bloodstream, the compound THC will travel into our brain and it will affect the receptors of the brain in communicating with our body. This compound will give and provide high to users. There will be an immediate effect when smoking weed; however, the effect will be longer when it is being consumed through edibles. 

Marijuana has its pros and cons. It can be used in treating some health conditions. However, you have to remember that there are also some long-term effects for the body as well as for the brain. Therefore, you should know the risk level when you want to use it. 

When you smoke weed, the chemical compound which is THC will directly travel from your bloodstream into your lungs. It is the same as smoking tobacco. It also contains carcinogens which might be risky to your health as it might increase your risk of getting lung cancer. 

THC can also travel to the heart. Due to the high from cannabis, the heart rate can be elevated and this might cause a heart attack. Therefore, it has a risk of experiencing a heart attack. It might also affect the functions and developments of your brain. 

If you take it with high dosages, there is a possibility of you experiencing some symptoms of anxiety. If you take It through edibles, it would affect your digestive system. For serious cases, it will cause vomiting as well as nausea. It will increase your appetite as well. 

There are some pros and cons of using weed. For you to avoid the high risks of its disadvantages, you have to be responsible for using weed. You should also know your limitation as well as the limitation of the marijuana dosage that you have to take. 

How does marijuana being consumed?

There are different ways you can use it in consuming weed. The most common way that the users consume weed is through smoking it. Here are some of the different ways of smoking weed:

  • It can be used as a joint or also called as weed cigarette
  • It can  be used as a blunt or also known as weed cigar
  • The use of glass pipes or bowls
  • Bongs or also known as water pipes

What should you expect?

There are many things you should expect when you use weed. Even though the weed has a lot of benefits medically, it has an essential role in the functions of the brain as well as its development. If the chemical compound which is the THC enters the brain, it will affect the receptors of the brain. It would result in a feeling of euphoria. It can be a good thing because it will make the users happy as well as sleepy or productive. 

If you are curious about the side effects and some of the not so good things that you should expect in weed, here are the lists of those adverse reactions:

  • Senses will be heightened
  • Mood changes
  • Judgment will be slowed
  • Thinking as well as memory impaired
  • Problem-solving difficulty
  • Complications of the cardiac

Regular use of weed can also lead to long term effects. If someone started using weed at an early age, it might affect their cognitive abilities that are long term. It might affect the person’s IQ as well as the ability to learn new details and information, and the verbal, too. 

Marijuana can be possibly worsening the symptoms of some mental disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, as well as anxiety. Here are the effects that are long-term in using marijuana:

  • Temporary hallucinations
  • Temporary paranoia
  • Thinking will be disorganized
  • Thoughts that are suicidal
  • Issues of fertility

Before thinking of using weed with a higher dosage or at an early age, you must be well informed of the things that can happen if you do that. You must be knowledgeable enough when it comes to the question about how does marijuana work. 


There are many things you have to know about marijuana, aside from just knowing the answer about “How does marijuana work?” You have to be well aware of what to expect and you must also know the risks that using marijuana have. 

For you to safely use weed, first, you must know more about it. It is also important that you are a responsible marijuana user. You have to know the things you should avoid and the things you should do. It would also be great to understand how cannabis works. By this, you will be able to fully understand why some of the effects happen. You will get ideas about the pros and cons of using weed.

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.