How To Smoke Marijuana: A Beginners Guide

how to smoke marijuana

Deciding to smoke marijuana is not so difficult to come up with as you can benefit from it. Whether you’ll do it because of recreational or medicinal, there’s always something to gain. 

For you to capture all the benefits, it’s better that you know how to smoke marijuana properly. Because if you don’t, you’ll have some unpleasant experiences and you have a high probability to have adverse reactions.

Tips on How to Smoke Marijuana for Beginners

Inhaling the Smoke

No matter what method you’ll use when smoking marijuana, you have to inhale the smoke to get high. If you will just put the smoke inside your mouth, you won’t be completely high. You will tend not to get high at all. 

Take the smoke to your lungs for you to achieve the entire effect. Slowly take a deep breath as you will feel the smoke passing through windpipe until it reaches your lungs. If you don’t feel it, it means you’re breathing deeply enough. The smoke from weed needs to be pushed by some fresh air. 

You probably have heard the ‘holding your breath’ method. It’s just a myth that doesn’t improve your smoking method. The proper way on how to smoke marijuana starts with inhaling deeply. Then you give yourself a short pause before you slowly exhale. 

A reasonable amount of time to hold can go for 5 to 10 seconds. But there‘s no difference at all whether you hold it only for a second or two. 

How to Avoid Coughing or Burning Throat

It’s fine if you cough when it’s your first time to smoke marijuana as it’s just a learning curve. But there are some ways to make it easier for you. You can also avoid a burning sensation in your throat. It will be much better if you lessen unpleasant encounters.

You can start with small hits. It may sound so basic but it’s to remind you not to overindulge when you’re a beginner. Don’t forget about this as you may follow those who are experienced in taking big hits. 

You may want to consider some smoking paraphernalia with water filtration. A bubbler is a good choice for a beginner as a bong can be overwhelming. It’s better to get a small pipe that you can hold your hands like a bubbler. The presence of water is something that can cool down the smoke so it won’t be too harsh to your throat.

Refrain from smoking marijuana if you have a sore throat or cough. Do it after you got better as things can get worse for you. Drink a glass of iced water before smoking as it will help ease your throat.

When and How to Smoke Marijuana

As a beginner, you should clear your schedule for marijuana consumption. The perfect time to do it is during non-working days or holidays. You won’t resist passing out for sure. 

Even though you will not doze off, you will find yourself heavy-bodied. So it’s best to smoke in a comfortable place and relaxed setting when you’re not familiar with how to smoke marijuana. It’s also a must for first-timers to know their limits. You’re supposed to enjoy the euphoria and not to fall right away with your face on the floor.

Different Ways on How to Smoke Marijuana that Beginners Should Know

1. Joint

It is the most common way of smoking marijuana as you only need rolling paper and a grinder. You may not use a grinder as you can crush the buds with your bare hands. But a tool can make it more refined. 

Rolling paper is not expensive and you can easily avail of it even in a convenience store. You would usually find the one that is made of wood pulp material. There are varieties too like hemp-based, longer size, and even a package that includes a joint roller with extra paper intended for making crutches. 

2. Blunt

Blunt shares a similar idea of joint. But it is a cigarette wrapper that needs to be filled with ground buds and sealed. So rolling is what you need to do. You can get it from convenience stores so finding it is not a struggle.

3. Pipe

It is a very straightforward way of smoking weed and it’s also the easiest. It’s small, compact, and hand-held. The best part is that it doesn’t need water or power. Break the buds with a grinder and you may crush them with your hands. 

Fill the bowl with the crushed buds and you can light it up to start smoking. It’s great for individuals who travel and want things to be discreet. Smoking with a pipe is practical and reliable.

4. Bong

You can also call it water bong and it is through water filtration. There are modified ones that allow you to add some ice into the chamber. So they help to cool down the smoke quickly. 

There’s an additional filtration system on glass percolator bongs. This tool filters the smoke many times to deliver a cleaner and cooler effect.

Another type of bong is called a gravity bong or waterfall bong. It’s structured as a single container with a bowl on a cup and a cut out at the bottom or a large container like a bucket. There’s also a small hole around the container’s base.

You can even make it on your own using a plastic bottle. When using a gravity bong, you can start by filling the container with water. The hole on the base should be plugged to block the water. The ground buds should be placed on the bowl for you to light up. Then the water will go out of the hole while the smoke fills the space.


It can’t be denied that a beginner will be so curious about how to smoke marijuana. They need to know the proper ways so they will have a wonderful experience and avoid adverse effects. By doing it properly, they will be able to gain benefits. 

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.