Best Ways To Treat Sore Throat From Smoking Weed

sore throat from smoking weed
Mature man has acid reflux

Smoking marijuana is always a fun experience, but smoking one too many blunts can make your throat sore and irritated. If this happens to you, the first thing that comes to your mind would be finding the best Ways to Treat Sore Throat from Smoking Weed? 

Fortunately, sore throat due to marijuana smoking has a lot of remedies that are easy to obtain. So, there’s no reason for you to put down your bong or pipe because the sore throat is not as bad as you think it is. Smoking marijuana does not entirely cause sore throat.

However, if it does cause you a sore throat, you should treat it right away before it becomes a persistent irritation that might take a bit longer to treat. Even though you can still enjoy your toke even with a sore throat, we’re pretty sure it can be annoying. 

If you’re a massive hitter, you probably experienced a burning sore throat that just doesn’t go away easily. 

Why did sore throat develop for marijuana smokers? 

Various factors contribute to developing a sore throat from smoking weed. First, you might be already sick which the worst thing that can happen to you is. Second, you might be fond of cold drinks and eating too many sweets which are also big reasons for developing a sore throat. Also, you might have sung your lungs out from a concert or karaoke the other day, but chances are, you might take a lot. 

Regardless of the reason,  marijuana-smoking induced sore throat should be treated right away because the discomfort it causes is just too annoying. Without further ado, here are our best remedies to treat sore throat because of marijuana smoking.

Get enough hydration

Sore throat for most of the time is caused by dehydration that dries up your throat. Instead of depriving yourself up of water, why not follow the recommended 8 glasses a day? Drinking enough water a day never goes out of style and it’s a healthy habit as well. 

Doctors even want you to drink water until your urine is crystal clear since this is a clear indication that you’ve flushed out a lot of bad elements from your body. 

Aside from hydrating your body, will also moisten your throat preventing any irritation that can lead to a sore throat. Whenever you’re planning to hit a blunt, make sure you drink water before, during, and after to prevent sore throat. Marijuana’s smoke can be too harsh on your throat, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Eat soft food

When it comes to soft food, this means that you have to take a break from spicy, salty, and sugary foods. Try to replace it with soup either it be mushroom, pea, or chicken noodle that you usually eat when you’re feeling under the weather. If you have a sore throat, don’t make it worse by eating spicy, salty, and sugary foods because it will just get more irritated. Fruits can also be a good alternative if you have a sore throat since it has a soothing sensation that can help ease the irritation. 

Warm water with salt 

It may not be the most convenient way to ease a sore throat, but gargling with warm water with salt at least twice a day is very effective. This will help alleviate the discomfort and the inflammation of your throat especially if you gargle it for at least 20-30 seconds. All you need to do is prepare a warm cup of water, add a tablespoon of salt and start gargling it around your throat. Remember to spit it out after gargling and don’t ever swallow it because salt can cause dehydration. 

Air humidifier

In cold areas, usually, the cold can be too dry which can cause throat irritation and eventually sore throat. If you already have one, you should use an air humidifier or a vaporizer to moisturize the air, especially at night while you’re sleeping. Humidifiers and vaporizers are very effective devices that easily moisturize the air inside the room. You can also enhance its effect by using an essential oil like peppermint or lavender that has soothing effects to help your burning throat. 

You will notice the day after that your throat is feeling a lot better compared when you’re not using a humidifier. This is very useful during the winter season. 


A tablespoon of pure honey can easily soothe a burning throat; no wonder people have been using honey as a natural remedy for a lot of ailments since ancient times. Honey contains a lot of nutrition and a natural healing effect that alleviates inflammation is very effective in sore throat. You can eat a tablespoon of honey three times a day to speed up in treating your sore throat. 


We all know tea is one of the go-to drinks we enjoy every day and it is also effective in soothing a sore throat. Tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that are great to treat sore throat especially if you choose mild-flavored teas such as chamomile. Make sure your tea is not that hot to prevent your throat from getting worse. 


Probably the most common over-the-counter treatment for sore throat is lozenges that come in different flavors. Lozenges are also very cheap and very effective in alleviating the discomfort brought by a sore throat. This is also very handy when you’re not at your house, either you’re at work or school. Lozenges provide you instant relief from a sore throat from smoking weed. 

Take a break

One of the most valid reasons why you’re having a sore throat is you’re maybe smoking too much. Most of the time, your body cannot recuperate and handle the intense effects of marijuana, especially its thick and potent smoke that can be too harsh on your throat. So, if you’re having a sore throat, take a one-week break so that you can recover.

Final Thoughts

Sore the throat is a telltale sign that your body has already reached its maximum point of handling the effects of marijuana. Instead of dealing with a sore throat, try to prevent it, so smoke moderately. In this way, you won’t have to spend a lot of time finding the best Ways to Treat Sore Throat from Smoking Weed.

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.