Best Cloning Machines for Marijuana

Best Cloning Machines for Marijuana

Really, is there anything sweeter than marijuana cloning?

I’ve always loved this process so much! It is truly amazing to have the opportunity to literally duplicate one of your favorite cannabis plants.

Sure, you can do it on your own. But utilizing the best cloning machines shoots you at another level.

Are you serious about what you’re doing when growing the green medication?

Even if you don’t hurry to spend on a cloning machine, it’s great to learn the secrets of successful cannabis cloning (and these machines know the tricks!).

Let’s find out who and how can benefit from a personal machine for clones.

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Best Cloning Machines for Marijuana: A Comprehensive Breakdown

1 –What are the Advantages of a Cloning Machine for Cannabis?

I think anyone who is dedicated to the mission of marijuana growing will appreciate possessing a cloning machine.

It saves time, it saves you possible mistakes, and it saves money.

But the sweetest rewards is none other but the healthy, sturdy, perky clones.

You know how when you put your clonings into the growing medium, you secretly pray that they all turn out just fine but yet you also know some of them won’t make it?

And then you wait and wait.

The first time I tried cloning with a machine, I thought I fell into another galaxy or dimension or something.

In just half the time I typically wait for my clones to grow – and ta-dam – the cloning machine does all the job for me!

Yep, there you go, happy marijuana gardener, take those giggly, resilient cannabis clones and have fun.

The success rate with cloning machines vs. You-the-super-cloner is a lost battle. The results will go pretty much like this – Cloning machines:6 You:1.

Surprisingly (or not), professional machines for clones do have an average of 100% success rate.

That means no weak clones, no wilting ones, and most importantly – all the clones growing within the same pattern and speed, just like they are supposed to in order to give best results upon harvesting.

But there is another benefit to keeping all the clones developing at the exact same pace; once you start taking care of the cloned marijuana plants, they will also grow with the same tempo.

That means all the care you need to spend on nurturing your green princesses will be easier to keep track on; you will have fewer worries about some of the plants lacking behind and showing different preferences to you as a gardener.

2 – How Do these Machines Work?

Cloning machines create the perfect environment for clones to thrive. A regulated mist sprays highly oxygenated water at intervals.

Some of these machines come with a built-in fan system.

All in all, there is a wide range of cloning machines to suit each taste, budget, specific demands and everything else which comes to your mind.

The mission is only one: providing the most well-balanced conditions for your clones to flourish.

Ultimately, you simply follow the instructions for the cloning machine of your choice, then place the clones into the specifically designed holes or “beds”, and let the cloning party begin.

3 – What are the Disadvantages of Automated Cloning Machines?

Different cloning machines can play different little games on you.

Be on the watch for pumps, made of low-quality materials or with poor design. Such pumps will gradually start leaking water, for example.

Also, when examining the lids, check for tight sealing ones. If you are ordering a cloning machine online and you can’t find a description of the lid, then shoot the retailer the question before purchasing anything in the hurry.

On another note, check if the machines you are about to purchase comes with the full list of instructions.

Nevertheless, always think in advance when choosing the number of cuttings you can clone with the machine you choose.

Even if you are thinking small-scale now, investing in a machine with more holes for placing the cuttings can be a much wiser option in the long-run.

4 – Who can Benefit from Cloning with a Specialized Machine?

So who can take advantage of a cloning machine? Everyone who cares about his clonings.

I bet you also have a favorite plant when growing your garden.

This is a thing every gardener understands; there are always those plants that simply show all their love for our care, and they flourish, and thrive, and party; and then there are those ones that seem a little bit off track or distressed or shocked or simply slower in growth.

You can love both types of plants equally.

But when it comes to clones, you want to use cuttings only from the healthiest, sturdiest, most resilient mother marijuana plants (a mother marijuana plant is the one from which you will take the cuttings; then turn them into genetically identical baby marijuana plants).

All in all, if you are looking for a way to boost the success rate of cloning your favorite plants, as well as save some precious time – you’d definitely never regret your investment into a suitable machine for clones.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, choosing the best cloning machine will depend on your needs and personal preferences.

But if you like cloning, you will love having one of these machines, as much as I do.

No need for any fuss, though. You can still have fairly good clones by completing the process all by yourself.

Nonetheless, if you are skillful with DIY projects, you can also build your own cloning machine.

As long as you care for your marijuana plants, they will always repay your efforts.

Living in the 21st century is so-oo cool for all those gigs, created to make life easier, don’t you think? Best cloning machines are no exception.J

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.