How to Make Cannabis Tincture? – A Step By Step Tutorial

how to make cannabis tincture

Tinctures are concentrated extracts from herbs. Cannabis or marijuana tinctures, in particular, are herbal extracts having some of cannabis’ beneficial properties. Marijuana tinctures are typically made up of alcohol, but glycerin may also be used to skip alcohol’s intoxicating effects (with high-proof alcohol).

Edible and Topical Tinctures

The two types of tinctures, in terms of administration, are those for ingesting, and those are made for skin. They are different because of how they are made. How to make cannabis tincture? Producing tinctures with Glycerin, Everclear, Bacardi 151, or other food-grade materials results in edible tinctures. In contrast, producing tinctures with rubbing alcohol or other non-edible solvent results in topical tinctures, meaning that they should be for skin application and not for ingestion. Always be mindful of this difference and not make an edible tincture made using isopropyl alcohol.

When was it Invented?

Some tales surround the origin of cannabis tinctures, but what we can only be sure of is its public appearance in the paper. The first appearance of cannabis tinctures in records was in 1843, in a medical journal in the West. The piece contained a recipe that made it easy for many people to create and sell cannabis tinctures that were then called the “Indian hemp,” even a pure extract. In less than a decade, tinctures appeared again in public. This time in America, 1851, on the USP or United States Pharmacopeia. 

Glycerin vs. Alcohol Tinctures

In producing tinctures, food-grade, the high-proof alcohol is the best choice. If you prefer to stop consuming alcohol, glycerin is an appropriate alternative. Glycerin, however, is not that effective in bonding to cannabinoid compounds and might produce less tincture potency.

Some people attempt to produce a highly potent tincture by first carefully evaporating your high-proof alcohol from the tincture, and second, adding glycerin. You get alcohol’s potency while also getting glycerin’s body. But this can be risky if you are not doing it properly. So, if you are unsure or not confident in doing this process, we advise not to do it.

Which is the Right Alcohol Type for Edible Tinctures?

Cannabis resin dissolves much better in higher alcohol content. We advise using Everclear as it produces a safe edible and high potent tincture. Again, do not use isopropyl alcohol to produce edible tinctures because they are not edible.

How to Make Cannabis Tincture

Vegetable glycerin is a common ingredient in cooking oils, which makes it a suitable, if not the best, ingredient for cannabis tinctures. Preparing this glycerin for tinctures is relatively easy and worth the effort.

Recipe to Prepare:

  • Mason jar
  • Grinder
  • 14 grams of weed bud
  • 2 cups or 470 ml of glycerine
  • Pot
  • Hand towels
  • Cheesecloth or coffee filters 


1. Grind the cannabis bud into piece bits and decarboxylate them. In a mason jar, mix the cannabis buds and glycerin and cover the jar. You have to ensure that all the weed material is entirely covered with vegetable glycerin.

2. Line a small towel on the bottom of the pot and cover it with warm water halfway through. The towel prevents the pot from overheating.

3. Put the jar in the pot and simmer for 24 hours at low heat. Keep close attention to the pot. From time to time, shake the mason jar.

4. Take the jar off the pot, and wait for an hour to cool down before using a cheesecloth to filter the jar contents.

5. Place the mixture in a smaller bottle as a final touch.

Marijuana Tinctures Benefits

• Tinctures are simple to use – Administering cannabis tinctures does not require any extra equipment or procedures in advance (unlike vaping or smoking, where you have to set your vape or joint). You could take tinctures anywhere and pull it out anytime, even in rush hours. They may come in small bottles and a dropper. Simply put a few drops under the tongue whenever you need to take a dose of cannabis.

• These are discreet. Many cannabis patients do not feel comfortable vaping or smoking weed in public, either because of the scent cannabis produces or the stigma against marijuana users itself. Meanwhile, cannabis tinctures do not produce odor and besides dropping them under your tongue, you can easily apply a few drops of tincture into your juice or coffee. That’s even more discreet.

• The effects are immediate. Cannabis tincture’s effects appear very quickly. Though cannabis edibles may take up to an hour (even longer) to kick into your system, cannabis tinctures can manifest in about 15 minutes. This helps you to easily grasp how your cannabis dose impacts you before transitioning to other things.

• Dose-friendly. Tinctures are probably the ultimate dose-friendly product. You can weigh with the eyedropper your dosage and raise or decrease as you like.

Follow these tips to avoid an accident as much as possible:

1. No smoking or other open flames. Even a tiny spark might cause combustion which then can cause huge fires under the right circumstances.

2. Turn off your gas stoves – attempting to cook tinctures near a gas burner stove is dangerous. Having a running gas stove while producing alcohol fumes from your tinctures is an instant recipe for a burning house.

3. Ensure proper ventilation –Alcohol produces fumes that can build up in a closed room or environment. With a single spark or even a small flame will ignite these fumes. Keeping the room well-ventilated either through ventilators or open windows will keep the fume levels low enough to be combustible. To say it simply, keep the air circulating.

4. Providing a fire extinguisher (dry-chemical) is a wise decision – Even if you are not making cannabis tinctures, it is still a wise thing to have a fire extinguisher ready. But if you follow the safety protocols properly, and know how to make cannabis tincture through the tips above, then you will be fine.


Producing tinctures means using high-proof, food-grade alcohol. All we suggest is perfect for this production, but alcohol is also flammable!

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