Natural Pesticides for Weed Plants

Are you looking for the best natural pesticides for weed plants?

If so, then first, we want to congratulate you for the wise choice!

Although some particular pests and diseases will need the application of chemical pesticides, whenever possible, it is much better to use a natural alternative to the harsh substances, found in conventional pesticides.

After all, you are going to consume the buds of your marijuana plants and thus, rely on their healing and recreational properties.

For this reason, it is important to ensure you only expose your body to toxin-free cannabis derivatives.

Let’s check out the top 6 natural pesticides that will help you keep both your plants and you healthy and happy!

1 – Essential Oils

Essential oils, such as Rose Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Rosemary Oil, among others, work great for staving off various pests.

Apart from repelling the nasty and hungry insects, eager to munch on your precious buds, essential oil mixes also smell wonderfully.

In order to create a homemade essential oils treatment for your marijuana garden, you simply need to mix a few drops of your favorite oils with water in a suitable spray bottle.

When spraying, aim for covering the entire growing medium area but be careful not to spray too much directly on the tender buds.

2 – Antibacterial Soaps

A mixture of water and soap can help you get rid of aphids, mites, and scales.

In the case you are dealing with spider mites, though, remember that these tiny villains are very, very sturdy and resistant to almost any kind of treatment.

Because of this, eliminating mites must be done with the application of a few different methods, including chemical pesticides.

Typically, any antibacterial soap can aid you in fighting various insects off your cannabis plants.

Simply mix 5 tablespoons of soap with 1 gallon of water. Also, keep in mind that insecticidal soaps will work best.

If you happen to use a soap solution during flowering, be extra diligent in cleaning the excess leftovers with fresh water.

3 – Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural and organic form of pesticides. It works by literally dehydrating the bugs; you can imagine it much like sucking the life out of those little maggots without causing any harm to your green princesses.

Best of all, diatomaceous earth is suitable to apply both during an infection or simply as a preventative method.

4 – Neem Oil

Neem Oil has earned the reputation of a reliable and widely-used natural alternative to harsh pesticides.

However, its action is very powerful and in high dosages, it can be controversial for humans, too.

If you happen to use Neem oil during the flowering stage, make sure you rinse the buds extra carefully and diligently.

Also, don’t spend too much time in the growing room in the case of treating indoor cannabis plants with Neem Oil.

It is thanks to the so-called limonoids, found in Neem Oil, which help to disrupt the hormonal system balance in insects.

It is best to use Neem Oil only in the case of infestation, and not as a preventative treatment.

5 – Companion Plants

Growing suitable companion plants along with your cannabeauties can help tremendously in fighting off the attacks of various intruders.

Thus, the popularity of companion plants in marijuana growing is rapidly increasing.

Though it is best to think about planting partner cannabis plants in advance, you can also find already-cultivated ones available in the stores.

Here’s a list of some of the most popular companion plants you can add to your weed garden.


Basil is great for repelling beetles, flies, and those nasty aphids, along with thrips.


Garlic is considered a natural fungicide. Thus, apart from dispelling various pests, garlic will also help keep mold away from affecting the precious buds.

Chilli Peppers

When planted near enough to your marijuana plants, chilli peppers will aid in protecting the roots of your green beauties.

But above all, chilli peppers are notorious for their ability to keep away bigger intruders, such as rabbits and mice from attacking your plants.


Peppermint is a favorite companion plant for marijuana because it works in two directions. First off, the notorious Mint aroma helps to mask the smell of flowering marijuana.

But more importantly, too many of the possible pests which can affect your plants’ well-being simply despise the Peppermint scent. Win-win, buddies!

6 – Natural Predators

Ladybugs can be found to live almost anywhere around the globe.

Personally, I have never identified them as useful bugs before I had to give them a try in order to chase away a nasty pest attack on my cannabis plantation.

As a rule of thumbs, ladybugs (and other natural predators, such as praying mantis and wasps, among others), won’t do all the hard work on their own; but they will help tremendously to snack on some of the naughty maggots on your marijuana plants, so it is definitely worth the try!

The Bottom Line

Still considering the benefits of natural pesticides for weed plants?

Hopefully, once you read this article, you will put that big smile on your face and start protecting your marijuana plants before you need to use any of the conventional toxic pesticides.

Just remember – the earlier you start paying attention to pests prevention, the better you will be able to block any issues from ever happening.

And finally, if you had a good read and learned some new tips and tricks to help you on your marijuana growing journey – don’t forget to show us some love!

Hit the Like and Share button, for only together we can help to spread awareness on the best ways to enjoy high-quality, homegrown green medication. J

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By LGM Admin is an online destination for marijuana growers who want to succeed in growing marijuana. The team behind the site enjoys growing their own weed, trying different strains and experimenting on different growing techniques to get the best marijuana harvest.